Christmas Get Together

An enjoyable family social get together after a chilly match.
An enjoyable family social get together after a chilly match.

Dave H smokes his imaginary pipe 

Dave H smokes his imaginary pipe


A couple of Mixed Bag old boys made it out

A couple of Mixed Bag old boys made it out


John the Hammer takes his team's defeat out on Andrew the Spurs man!
John the Hammer takes his team's defeat out on Andrew the Spurs man!

To mark the festive season we played a long game in chilly weather on the astroturf, followed by a meal and family social in a nearby pub. Thirteen hardy souls braved icy roads to play, and a fast paced game was enjoyed by all. Some past members of the club turned up, which made for a great re-union meet.

Emergency meeting – Mon 2 Nov 2009

Mixed Bag United is facing something of a crisis: too few people are coming on Mondays and we are losing money. Things are now critical, so an emergency meeting is planned for tomorrow following the game in Scariff to look for solutions. The venue will be Jakko’s at approximately 9.15pm. All welcome.

Phil B

Mixed Bag now back in Scariff

Following our summer playing on the grass in Tulla, we’re now back playing on the Astroturf in Scariff. The pitch is floodlit, and is at Scariff GAA Club. This is a large pitch and can accommodate good numbers – so come along and have a great, fast hour of football.

Result: Torry Tigers 6 – 3 Mixed Bag United

5 Sep 2009, Los Montesinos, Costa Blanca, Spain

Despite a promising start in which we responded immediately with an equaliser after the Torry Tigers opened the scoring on 5 minutes, Mixed Bag trailed 4-1 at half time and had to dig deep for a rugged fight-back during the second 45 minutes in the gruelling heat. At 4-3 the game was very much in the balance, but when the Torry Tigers made it 5-3, it left us too much to do.

Mixed Bag left the field with our heads high and were consoled with unbeaten runs in both pool and table football challenges against our hosts at the very enjoyable post-match refreshments in a local bar.
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September 2009 outing: Costa Blanca

Thanks to the expert cyber-scouting of John H, our September outing this year will take us to the Costa Blanca in Spain to play the Torry Tigers. It is expected that 10 of our finest players will travel with the cost per player estimated at €200. Speak to Phil B to reserve your place on the team.

As it turned out a panel of 8 players have made the trip to Guardamar in the Costa Blanca, namely:

  • Andrew
  • Eamon H
  • Gerry M
  • John Joe
  • Kalin
  • Paraic
  • Phil B
  • Shaun

Annual General Meeting 2009

agm2009This year’s AGM was held (as is traditional) at Phil B’s house on FA Cup Final day. The main headlines from the meeting are:

  • 2009/2010 membership rates set at €80 (waged), €60 (unwaged). This covers play at Tulla United and Scariff GAA.
  • Pay for play on Monday nights remains at €5.
  • The announcement that our September outing is headed to the Costa Blanca in Spain was greeted with universal enthusiasm.
  • Continue reading “Annual General Meeting 2009”

Iniscealtra Community Shield 2008

5-a-side Soccer Tournament, Saturday 31 May 2008, Scariff, Co. Clare

The first name on the shield is Jakkos Bar
The first name on the shield is Jakko's Bar

The inaugural Iniscealtra Community Shield, a 5-a-side soccer tournament, took place in Scariff on Saturday 31st May as part of the2008 Iniscealtra Festival of Arts, whose theme this year was Community.

Fourteen teams played out a thoroughly enjoyable tournament in bright sunshine despite the thunderous storms affecting surrounding localities. Indeed the Scariff Fire Station team had to withdraw due to a lightning strike nearby! Over €800 was raised for the Clare Branch of the Samaritans – many thanks to their Director, Mary Lynch for attending the tournament to present the shield to the winners: Jakko’s Bar. Continue reading “Iniscealtra Community Shield 2008”