4th Annual General Meeting, 2 May 2010

This article is based on the draft minutes from our 4th AGM.

In attendance

John H, Mike, Phil B, Eamonn H, Aidan, Dave H

1. Matters arising from the previous AGM

The minutes from the 3rd AGM 5 May 2009 were agreed. There were no matters arising.

2. Chairperson’s report

An 8-a-side tournament is arranged for 29th May. 7 teams expressed interest so far. Games will be 18 minutes long with no half time.

Late starts are eating into playing time.

Suggested we enquire if we can play for extra ½ hour by starting at 7.30. Phil will ask Eddie.

No international trip arranged as yet. Suggestions were: Isle of Man or Morecambe. Or back to Spain.

Agreed we will continue to play at Scariff throughout the year due to lack of numbers expressing commitment to Tulla and extra cost.

3. Treasurer’s report and certification of accounts

The treasurer presented an excellent report.
Agreed that weekly subs would be paid before game on entry to arena.
Agreed to write off some of the monies owing.
We showed a small surplus for the last financial year.
Projected Surplus to September due to lower cost of pitch hire in summer.
Agreed to reduce annual subs due to this and because we no longer need to pay Tulla AFC membership.

4. Election of Committee

No change to this and so the following are elected:

  1. Chairperson – Phil B
  2. Vice Chairperson – Aidan
  3. Secretary -Eamonn H
  4. Treasurer – John H
  5. Ordinary Members – Dave H, Shaun

John will look after kit and balls while Phil is away.

5. Subscription Rates

The following rates were agreed by consensus:

  1. Annual Membership: will be €10 flat fee for all members.
  2. Weekly Subscriptions: €5 (to be paid prior to play to avoid arrears)

Only new members need complete membership forms.